Monday, March 16, 2009

Self-Signed Client Certs

When using self-signed client certs (for example testing TLS from a browser to your local dev server) be sure to add it to the “Local Computer => Trusted Root Certification Authorities” store AND the “Current User => Personal” store. Once you do this it will show up in IE/Firefox as an available client certificate and IIS will accept it as valid/trusted.

Also, IIS7 has a built in self-signed certificate generator for server certs in IIS admin. Long overdue.

Lastly, if you ever need to get at the thumbprint of the client certificate in ASP.NET, here’s the code:

if( Request.IsSecureConnection )
X509Certificate2 certificate = new X509Certificate2( Request.ClientCertificate.Certificate );
Response.Write( "X.509 Thumbprint = " + certificate.Thumbprint + "<br/>" );
Response.Write( "X.509 SubjectName.Name = " + certificate.SubjectName.Name + "<br/>" );
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